Who Should Take CoQ10?

There is alotta talk out there about CoQ10 -who should use it and for what.  So, here is the info…

First off, a couple of  disclaimers -the studies that were done including coenzyme Q10 often contradict each other.  CoQ10 supplements can interact with some medications- so be sure to check with your physician or pharmacist before starting CoQ10.

CoQ10 is used in our body at the cellular level.  Signs of low CoQ10 include muscle pain, high blood pressure, angina and even periodontal disease.

1. Statins:  Statin medications help treat high cholesterol.  They can also block the body from making CoQ10.  It is thought that taking CoQ10 supplements can help prevent muscle aches that can occur with statins.  100 -200mg/day.

2.  High Blood Pressure:  CoQ10 100-120mg/day is thought to help control blood pressure.  The supplement should be used along with your regular high blood pressure (not instead).

3.  Diabetes: CoQ10 100-200mg/day has been shown in some studies to help decrease A1C.

4.  Migraines: CoQ10 100mg three times a day can help decrease migraine frequency.

As I mentioned earlier, studies have shown contradictory results.  Less than 300mg/day is considered safe.  Diarrhea and nausea are the main side effects of CoQ10.

Have you taken CoQ10?  Please tell us about your experience -leave a comment 🙂

One comment

  1. I have metabolic syndrome and on meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes & thyroid plus taking a diuretic. In the last few years I started getting muscle pain in my legs. Physical therapy has helped a little, so on my own I decided to try CoQ10. I got the 100 mg dose because that one was on sale. I’ve been taking it about two months and I feel it is helping me.

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