1. Hi Nova!
    Detoxing is a wonderful health enhancing practice used since ancient times. Unfortunately, it has been bastardized by the “quick fix” magic pills industry. Depending on the individual they should detox weekly, once a month or each season. Detox does not need special meds, it needs an absence of toxins, bad air, dirty water, foods filled with pesticides and hormones. You mentioned the liver and kidneys, which are our detoxing organs…let’s give them some help. The less garbage (toxins) we put into our system, the better.
    How to detox? Again, depending on the persons health and temperment, they could just not eat for a day or so, allowing the system to finish the job of digestion OR eat only clean, healthy liquids, water, juice, soup, yogurt for the day.
    There are fruits and veggies which are natural detoxing agents, especially beets. A freshly blended ABC smoothy is a valuable drink, (Apple,beets, carrots) for detoxing. Because many diets are low in fiber, yes it would help to gradually increase our fiber intake…best source? fresh fruits and vgetables.
    Thanks for your valuable informational site!

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