Sex Ed 101

Here is Nova -back on the soap box…

I have to put this in its own little article because I think it is sooo important.


Did you know that right now in the United States, for any school to get federal funding for sex ed. –they need to teach an ABSTINENCE ONLY program.


What?? Our society –from school, home, social and spiritual life –has always supported education.   Have we ever said, as a people –What we really need is LESS education??  No, that is completely against our beliefs as a community.


But instead the government says –Keep these kids in the dark, don’t put ideas in their head, don’t educate them too much and that’ll keep’em safe.  Yeah, that’s great –wonderful idea!  So, I guess with the government –less is more (except when taxes are concerned, of course).


As I have mentioned before, I have been on some Q&A sites on the web.  Members of the forum range from young kids (11-ish) to adults are asking questions about sex, STDs, tampons…everything! 


Many of the kid’s questions begin as, “I don’t want to ask my mom/dad about this but…”And do you know who is answering those questions?  Young kids -and well, some other people -who knows who because the internet can be a sneaky place.  So our kids, our next generation are getting most of their information from their friends (as usual) and some random adults on the internet (and hopefully some info at home too).   


But some kids do not get info (or not enough) at home -where can they have all their questions answered?   And when those kids grow up -who do they learn from then (teens, 20 y.o., 30y.o….) when do they get the real info?  Because there are 40 y.o. out there with the same question as 15 y.o. are asking.


I think it is scary that our gov’t somehow promotes the idea that we should keep our kids in the dark because if we educate them about sex and std & pregnancy prevention then they will have sex, get an std and pregnant.


So, I would love to hear what you think about this whole idea (even if you disagree!)-please leave a comment!