Using Magnets to Treat Arthritis Pain

Hello everyone!

I’ve got my fabulous mom here in town, and while discussing her arthritis pain, she was telling me how using magnets helped relieve the pain in her hip.

She evidently was given a magnet by some lady in my neighborhood the last time she was visiting me (I missed this whole scene and she never even mentioned it until today – she’s a weird one!).

The magnet came in the form of a thin, circular metal piece surrounded by an adhesive tape type stuff (those were her words!).   She stuck it right over the pain in her affected hip, where it stayed in place for a few days.

She’s not sure if the pain would have gone away on its own or if the magnet was truly effective, but by golly whatever the reason, the pain went away! 

It makes some sense that the magnet gave her relief from the arthritic pain because there have been reports from other folks with the same results.  There are a few randomized studies that suggest magnets may relieve pain caused by arthritis.  The key word in that sentence is “suggest” – solid proof is still lacking!

The non-skeptical researchers believe that magnets may work to relieve arthritis pain because they think it increases circulation to the affected area.  Some of the reasons increasing circulation would help are:

1) more oxygen is transported to the cells which helps with tissue regeneration

2) free radicals are decreased by energizing enzymes

3) toxins, like lactic acid, are drained

4) cellular swelling is decreased.

Magnets should not be used in people with pacemakers or insulin pumps, pregnant women, and those using sleep apnea machines – safety has not been determined in these situations.

There you have it!

Hey whatever floats your boat, but if I were you, I’d give a try because magnets don’t seem too be harmful!

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