Taking Both Plan B Tablets at One Time

It’s me again, rambling on about Plan B as usual!  Actually, Plan B brand name is no longer available, but it’s generic version, Next Choice is still a hot item on the market.

I know, I know, the title of my post might be a little misleading using the old brand name, but almost 100% of the people inquiring about the emergency contraceptive still refer to it as “Plan B” instead of “Plan B One-Step” or “Next Choice” (the two products on the market today).  Thought it would be easier for everyone to understand!

So, moving on…I received this great question from one of our readers:

Hello Cate my name is Crystal and i was surfing through the internet and i happen to see your video about the difference between Plan B and Next Choice.. well wat i wanted to ask you is what happens if I take both of the Pills of Plan B tablets 0.75 mg.. how effective will this pill b if i took it today at 3:30??

Take a look at my response:

Thanks for getting in touch!

It is definitely okay to take both 0.75mg tablets of Plan B together.  Actually, it is highly recommended to take the tablets at the same time for one dose versus taking 1 tablet ASAP and the next one 12 hours later.

The reasoning is not because it is more effective that way (Plan B is actually equally as effective no matter which route you take -2 tablets at once or the two doses separated by 12 hours), but because ladies tend to forget to take that 2nd pill 12 hours later!

Without knowing how long it was after sexual intercourse that you took Plan B, I cannot tell you how effective it will be if you it at 3:30PM!  I do know the sooner you take it the better.  Studies show if taken within 72 hours after intercourse, it should be at least 85% effective and even more effective if taken within 24 hours of the incident.

After the 72 hour window, Plan B may still be somewhat effective, but there’s no evidence available from studies showing just how effective it is…researchers do know that as time passes, the medication will definitely become less effective!   I hope this info helps you some, but certainly let me know if I can help you out some more!

And that marks the end of my response!

Any questions?  Let me know by e-mailing me at Cate@getpharmacyadvice.com or leaving a comment below.

You must know the drill by now, but gotta say it anyway…grab (and view!) our free video course on how to save money on your perscription medications.  Definitely let us know what you think!

One comment

  1. How long does the plan b stay in your system I took it less than 72 hours of having unprotected sex but the next day after taking it I had sex again (,same person) would it still be in my system?

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