Stop Smoking Options

I thought I’d start with a quick overview of drug options out there to help you or your loved one to stop smoking!  Cigarettes have been made even more addictive then they were even 20 years ago and more harmful.  This also pertains to chew, snuff and snus.

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death!

OTC treatments: These treatments work to replace nicotine (in place of cigarettes).  This is available as patch, gum and lonzengers.

Prescription treatments:

1.  Nicotine replacement: nasal spray and inhaler

2. Oral medications –these medications should be started one week before you stop smoking

–Chantix (varenicline) -this is an oral medication that works by reducing symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and by blocking receptors so that it decreases the rewarding aspects of cigarette smoking.

–Zyban (bupropion)-this is an antidepressent (same as Wellbutrin) that has been proven to help smoking cessation.

What works best?

Chantix OR Zyban with one of the nicotine replacement options, believing in yourself and counseling.  Counseling -in person, phone or online is an important part of stopping smoking.

This is a quick, quick review -We would love for you to leave a comment about different options you have used.

One comment

  1. Or just smoke until you have a stroke like I did and I’m only 40. That made it pretty easy for me to quit smoking,but almost killed me. Smoke and nicotine free for 13 months and 16 days.

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