Side Effects of Mirena

Oh bother, my extended Thanksgiving celebration is coming to an end…gotta go back to work tomorrow! 
Another question from a faithful follower spawned today’s post.  
The question was: 
My period ended not even a week ago and now I am having tender swollen breasts like when I was pregnant, not like the tenderness I had before my last period. Shouldn’t I be bleeding still with the Mirena like I did for the first few weeks leading up to my period after it was placed in?  I have not bled since my period ended. I won’t be able to see my doctor for at least a week or two and I’m desperate for answers.
[Note: I shortened the e-mail/question she sent because it was really long…she was worried that she may be pregnant because of irregular bleeding, and she also mentioned concern over the fact that her boyfriend could REALLY feel the mirena while they were having sex, so I addressed that issue too]
My answer:
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble finding the right hormonal contraceptive that will make you feel the most comfortable.  Sounds like your body’s hormone balance is sensitive, leading to irregular and longer periods than normal while using any of the medications (oral or IUD).  Usually with the use of the oral contraceptives, periods would be lighter and not as long, but I have had patients with a similar experience as you! 
In regards to the Mirena, the tender swollen breasts are normal.  It is a side effect of Mirena (one of the more common ones), and the side effect is listed as breast pain, not just tenderness.  Maybe that’s why they feel different from the tenderness you had before your last period.  Cramping is also a side effect of Mirena, particularly after placement, but also throughout its use. 
As far as the bleeding having stopped, this is normal.  Everyone’s body is different, so if you heard or read that the bleeding from the placement should continue even 5 weeks after you had the Mirena inserted, you were probably informed by those who had this experience – because you are different from them, you will not experience the same effects.  Does that make sense?!
Here’s something you may or may not be excited about…it has been reported that 20% of women using Mirena end up having no period throughout its use.  For example, they will not have a period for the whole year.  To me, this might be a little nerve wracking, but others may cheer about this…again, depends on the individual. 
NOTE: 20% is a very high percentage when it comes to side effects of medications! 
Bleeding irregularities are normal when you first start Mirena.  These irregularities include bleeding between periods (intermenstrual), prolonged periods, or the absence of your period.  Many Mirena users have episodes of unscheduled bleeding (which includes just spotting), with the incidence of the unpleasant chaotic bleeding being greatest during the first 6 months of use.  However, episodes may occur throughout the use of Mirena. 
If you at any point have an increase in menstrual bleeding, the IUD may have partially or completely come out of place…you must see your doctor at this point!  
The fact that your boyfriend can feel the Mirena during sex does not necessarily mean the Mirena is not placed correctly, but it may mean the strings are not at the correct length.  This is definitely something you should visit your doctor about so they can cut the strings to the correct length or replace the Mirena…this way your boyfriend has a more pleasurable experience!  Also, it can’t hurt to have the Mirena placement checked out just in case it did get dislodged. 
You should definitely follow-up with your doctor, especially because you are concerned!  All of the experiences you have had thus far have been experienced by other women who have used Mirena, so you’re feelings are not out of the ordinary.  I do see and understand why you are concerned though!
I hope I was of some help to you.  Let me know if you have any other questions!  Lastly, I’m super excited that you’re taking responsibility for your own health…keep up the good work! 
Let me know if the editing of her question made my response too confusing.  I didn’t want the post to get super long and overwhelming!  Send your concerns or comments to or simply submit a comment to this post.
And you should definitely check out our FREE video course on how to save money on prescription medications…it’s wicked helpful, and if put into use, will for sure keep money in your bank account! 
Thanks for checking in and reading this post!