Muscle Cramps From Earl Grey Tea

I’m on a roll with the muscle issues -muscle injury from high-dose simvastatin (check that post out by clicking here!) and now muscle cramps caused by drinking too much Earl Grey tea!

I know we’ve been talking about home remedies a lot, but this is one instance where an herbal delight like Earl Grey tea can do more damage than good.

Consumers of Earl Grey tea have reported their persistent muscle cramping problems were quickly cured once they stopped drinking the tea, giving us good reason to take a closer look as to why this may be true.

The distinctive flavor you taste when drinking Earl Grey tea comes from the citrus fruit bergamot.  The oil from the fruit contains a natural compound called bergapten, which can disturb the flow of potassium into and out of your body’s cells.  If the cells in your muscles do not get enough potassium, your muscles are likely to cramp up.  This is the link some researchers have made as to why too much Earl Grey tea  may cause muscle cramps.

So, if you’re a big Earl Grey tea fan and are experiencing muscle cramps, try giving the Earl Grey a break and see what happens.  You may be pleasantly surprised, and perhaps you’ll even find a different tea flavor that suits your fancy just as well!

Any other remedies for muscle cramps that I’m missing?  Let me know by leaving a comment below or e-mailing me at

PS: Can’t quite figure out how to save money on your prescription medications?  Check out our video course to get free tips on how to do just that!