Home Remedy Treatments for Bug Bites and Stings

Bug bites –not fun!  A while back, Catie wrote an awesome article all about How to Treat Insect Bites.  Well, her mom is visiting us again so the whole topic came back up…

I have talked to quite a few patients about some natural/home remedies that can be used to treat bug bites.  I looked into each one and tried quite a few myself (I am a bug bite magnet!).

  • Aspirin:  Wet aspirin tablet (not enteric coated) with a bit of water until it melts slightly.  Apply melty-aspirin tablet to bug bite  (this works especially well on bee stings).  Aspirin works by decrease inflammation, redness, pain and itch!
  • Alka Seltzer:  Dissolve 2 tablets in 4 ounces of warm water.  Soak cotton ball in AlkaSeltzer/water mixture.  Apply cotton ball to bug bite for 10 minutes.  This works because it has aspirin in it.
  • Mud:  What to do when you are out taking a hike and you get some bug bites?  Apply some mud!  Be sure that it is “clean” mud –as in does not have a bunch of bugs in it.  Mud helps dry the bug bite and decrease the itching.
  • Toothpaste:  Apply some toothpaste!  It can help with stings and bites.  Fluoride in the toothpaste and the drying effect of the toothpaste are helpful in treating stings/bites.  Mint toothpaste has the additional healing properties of mint.
  • Vinegar and Baking Soda:  Mix baking soda and vinegar in equal parts and apply to the bug bite/sting.  Vinegar helps with swelling and promotes healing.  Baking soda helps dry the bite out and cools the area –helping with pain.

    Hope this helps!  If you have any home-made treatments please tell us about them –go ahead and leave a comment below!