Hangover Remedies

It’s that time of year, folks!

Invitations to holiday parties are plentiful, and so are the countless reasons to join in on the festivities.  ‘Tis the season of alcohol consumption (for the majority of people anyway)!

A little concerned about how to rid your body of the next day’s hangover?  Well, check out the following video for some of the most popular home remedies you can utilize in order to get rid of your various hangover symptoms!

(Oh bother, another low maintenance day for me – gosh, the hairdo could use a little love!)

So, just in case you didn’t catch the basic list of remedies, here it is in no particular order of effectiveness:

1.  Drink plenty of water

2.  Drink a sports drink or juice

3.  Eat eggs (or brussel sprouts or other foods that contain cysteine)

4.  Eat soup (with a bouillon base)

5.  Take a B complex vitamin

6.  Get in extra vitamin C

7.  Consume some source of glucose (i.e. glucose tablets or gel)

8.  Increase oxygen intake (if you can get your hands on it!)

9.  Exercise

10.  Mix baking soda in water and drink it up

11.  Get plenty of rest

Know of any hangover remedies that I missed?  Send them our way by commenting below or e-mailing me at Cate@getpharmacyadvice.com!

And while you’re here, be sure to watch our FREE video course so you can become familiar with the many ways you can save money on your prescription medications.
