gallery Can I have Diabetes and Anemia?

Here is a question that we were asked by one of our younger subscribers:

Can I have diabetes and anemia at the same time?  I already have anemia but my body started changing lately ,I started going to the bathroom a lot ,drinking lots of water ,and I feel really tired all the time! is it possible that I have diabetes? cuz I had anemia since like 4-5 months only but I used to live normally ,and I never drink that much of water in a day ,now I drink like ,7 or 8 bottles in a day !! i used to drink only 4 in a day ,,PLEASE HELP!!

My reply:

Yes it is quite possible to have diabetes and anemia at the same time. Actually people with diabetes have a higher risk of developing anemia.

Your symptoms of excessive thirst and increased tiredness can be due to many different causes- including diabetes. And the other poster is correct -the only way to be diagnosed with diabetes is to see your physician.

However, in your situation…

I am assuming that you have iron-deficiency anemia (because it is the most common type) – increased thirst and fatigue can be due to a worsening of your anemia. Other symptoms would be dizziness, rapid breathing and sweating.

So, my questions are…1) were you diagnosed by your physician with anemia? 2) did you start taking an iron supplement? 3) did you have your iron levels re-tested?

It sounds like you would need to contact your physician’s office or clinic to have your iron levels re-tested. Please be sure to do so because iron deficiency anemia is important to treat.

Please remember that iron levels can be too high -so you do not want to start taking an iron supplement or increase your iron supplement dose without contacting your doctor.

Just a note -it is best to take your iron pill with some soda or orange juice to help it be absorbed better. Avoid milk products within a few hours of taking the iron pill.

Also, if you were tested 4-5 months ago at your doctor’s office, it is unlikely that you developed diabetes within that time -even if you did the symptoms would not be so extreme.

I hope this helps!