Bactrim Increases Potassium Levels

Bactrim -a commonly used antibiotics can increase potassium levels in certain people.  Want to learn more…

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  1. Just to let you know, 6 months ago I had a kidney transplant with complications I went into V-Tach soon after the operation. The kidney did not start immediately and oddly enough it was my “K” was at 7.4 Today I had blood work done and was informed by my nephrologist that my K level was at 6.2 . He did ask if I was taking bactrim and I am. He then told me that this can effect my K levels. I’ve been having trouble since the transplant dealing with my K-levels. What gets to me is why it wasn’t picked up earlier and I could have avoid all this trouble. Thanks for your help.

  2. Hi Edwin,

    Thanks for leaving a comment. 7.4 -yikes! That is high!…even the 6.2 is quite concerning! I am glad they got on the ball now and are monitoring your levels!

    Take care,

    Nova Simpson, Pharm.D.

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