Vitamin D for Kids

Vitamin D is all the rage now-a-days.  I wrote an article Vitamin D -all about vitamin D in general and vitamin D in adults.   But what about those kids?!

Just like adults, the majority of kids have low levels of vitamin D.   Kids are more likely to be inside and use sunblock, which blocks their ability to get some vitamin D from the sun.  Latino and African American kids have an even higher rate of low vitamin D levels due to darker skin -which blocks out the sun more.

What do I give the kiddo?  400IU/day from a few months old until adulthood.

How do you feel about vitamin D and your kids?  Do you give them supplements?  We would love to hear from you!

How do I give them 400IU/day?  Most parent’s turn to fortified milk or formula -1 glass only equals 100IU of vitamin D.  For kids, most multivitamins have 400IU.  For the babies, Tri-Vi-Sol or Poly-Vi-Sol have vitamin D (along with some other good vits).

Why give my kids vitamin D? Potential benefits for cardiovascular health and overall immunity.

One comment

  1. Get outside and play! Away from the screens; TV,computers, game systems and sunscreen.
    I’m not saying to bake in the sun until you are burned, just enough outdoor natural sunlight to give children their natural, healthy pink cheeks. Thanks for GPA…lots of helpful info.

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