Treatment Options for Sebaceous Cysts

Hey world,

The questions keep sifting in and we’re loving it!

Here’s one of the questions we received:

Is there a treatment for SCs short of surgery such as some kind of poultice to reduce the size of lump? I have tried Ichthymol but makes it worse.


Thanks so much for getting in touch with Nova and I!

I have actually had some experience with sebaceous cysts…on the lower
eyelid near my tear duct and in my armpit.  The cysts in my armpit were
really weird, as they would come back every April for several years in a
row.  They haven’t returned for a good 5 years now…thank goodness because
they were kind of painful (as you may already know).

My cysts were never severe enough to need surgical removal or lancing, nor
did they get infected.  They were just really annoying!  I did visit my
doctor twice – once when the cyst was under my eye and the first time the
cyst appeared in my armpit.

Of course, they said there wasn’t anything I could do except wait to see if
the cyst got worse, at which point they would remove it.  All I did was
apply a warm compress for 10 – 15 minutes 3 to 4 times throughout the
day…nothing special
.  That treatment coupled with time seemed to fix my

People have also mentioned bloodroot paste and black salve as natural
remedies to cysts or cyst-like issues
.  I’m not sure you can get these
products at a drugstore, but they’re definitely available on the internet.
These natural treatments do not have evidence from studies to prove if they
actually are effective or not, but so long as they’re safe, they may be
worth trying!

I wish you the best of luck in your cyst-be-gone endeavor!

That’s that!

Feel free to post comments/questions or throw me an e-mail at

Also, be sure to grab our FREE video course that will help you save money on your prescription meds!  Just think, you can use that saved money on holiday gifts for others (or yourself!).  Take care!


  1. Hi Allan,

    Actually it would be dealt with the same way as other sebaceous cysts. If very serious, it can be treated with steroids or surgery but typically a warm compress and time will heal!

    Take care,

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