Is It Safe to Skip Your Period?

So, in response to my video “A Cheaper Way to Skip Your Period,” a viewer submitted a question concerning possible safety issues when it comes to a woman skipping her period.  Just wanted to share it with you!

Here’s the question:

I’m a guy and I’m wondering if taking those pills continuously is unhealthy?

Don’t you have to excrete the unfertilized egg at the end of each month since it is not implanted?

And my answer is:

This is a great question!

First, the main mechanism by which birth control pills work is by keeping  ovulation from even happening.  This means an unfertilized egg is not present and thereby, does not need to be excreted.  Just a little extra info for you, the birth control pill may also prevent pregnancy by:

  • Making the lining of the uterus less suitable for implantation.
  • Changing the mucus around the cervix, making it difficult for the sperm to travel to the uterus.

Also, a monthly menstrual cycle is not needed when a woman is taking the pill because it keeps the lining of the uterus from thickening. Therefore, monthly bleeding to slough off the thickened lining is not necessary. It is safe for a woman to skip her period! Hope this helps!

There you have it, short and sweet.

Any other questions on this matter?  Please let me know by commenting below or e-mailing me at

Also, our video course on the many ways you can save money on your prescription drugs is still out there, and it’s free for all.  Be sure to get your hands on it by clicking here!