Acne Overview

Acne -oh bother!  Having acne is not fun and trying to treat it can be super confusing.

I figured a few articles would help!  Here is the first one -please be on the look out for the next article: OTC Treatment for Acne.

How is acne formed?

Our skin has hair follicles with attached sebaceous glands.  The sebaceous glands release sebum that travels to the skin surface and spreads over the skin to slow water loss.

When there is too much sebum and dead skin cells, a blockage can occur.  When the block happens, it can attract more oil and cells that can lead to inflammation.  Bacteria (usually Propionibacterium acnes) can worsen the whole situation.

Why is acne mostly on face, back and chest?

Acne is found in these areas because sebaceous glands are more common in these areas.

What can make acne worse?

1.  Increased hydration -this can be caused by an environment of high humidity or tight fitting clothes that restrict air movement.  When the skin is too hydrated, it slows the sloughing of dead skin -leading to acne.

2. Decreased hydration -this is more common.  When the skin is over dried, more sebum is released which can lead to acne.  So, it is a balancing act!  Drinking plenty of water and using facial moisturizers can help balance skin hydration.

3.  Dirt, irritation -this is kind of a given.  The more dirt you are around and the more irritation (head bands, helmets, chin resting on hands) the more likely to worsen acne.

4.  Cosmetics -cosmetics and hair products can clog pores.  It is important to avoid oil based products (ie lanolin, cocoa butter).

5.  Stress -although it is rare to cause acne it can most definitely worsen it.

6. Hormones -premenstrual flare ups!  This can also include puberty in general -when puberty begins androgenic hormones increase in girls and boys.  These hormones increase sebum release which can lead to acne!

7.  Medications -Some medicines can worsen acne.  Androgens, corticosteroids and some birth controls are some of the drugs.  Interestingly enough, some birth controls can actual make acne better!

What are typical forms of acne?

1. Closed Comedones –these are the “whiteheads” little bumps -no real inflammation involved and are usually skin coloured.

2. Open Comedones-these are the “blackheads” -they are whiteheads that have been exposed to air which causes oxidation that leads to the black colouring.

3. Papules –these are the pimples that are showing some inflammation -they are usually red and irritated looking but no real “head” to the pimple yet -usually these will progress into pustules…

4. Pustules –these are the ones that you want to “pop” (please don’t -it can lead to worse acne and scarring).  They are red, often tender and have the “head of pus”.

5. Nodules/Cysts –These are the biggies that are deep in the skin.  They can be painful and itchy.  These (and pustules) are the most likely to cause scarring.

There you have it -an acne overview.  I am going to write my next article on how to treat acne with over the counter medications.

If you have any home remedies that you use to help prevent and/or treat acne please leave us a comment or send us an email!

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